

Painting/projection is a fusion art style that I find particularly open in terms of other artists utilizing the medium for understanding of where art as fine arts possible future could be travelling, these painting projections are works that are in experimental stages, this experimentation allows the passage of development, to more refined pieces, the fusion of traditional and New Media.


Portrait of Condition, Acrylic on board with Projection and Audio, 2017.






Cremation experiment, looped video Projection on board, 2017.


A Storm is Coming, Looped Video Projection on Burlap, 2017

storm install

Sit, Projection on painting, video, audio, 2018.

An isolated subject pushes an unseen button that in effect changes the state of their appearance and environment, they carry out the motion repetitively, determined to understand the nature of individuality. Integrated as a projection screen, connecting to its digital counterpart painting distinguishes the subjects view on their social and cultural background. Utilising LED projection, the painting is masked by colour and movement. Video at low resolution allows the subject to remain indistinct, filters applied represent a disposition toward visual perception. Heightening music equals alterations the video undergoes in return increasing the sense of anxiety within the work. While examining the mentality of self-understanding, strengths between digital, physical and technological media are tested by way of small cinematic performance in a darkened low light space.

Cremation, Projection, painting video and audio, 2018.

As part of Vital Transformation exhibition

Cremation instal